The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92760   Message #1793460
Posted By: Divis Sweeney
26-Jul-06 - 05:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ban on 'The Wind That Shakes The Barley'
Subject: RE: BS: Ban on 'The Wind That Shakes The Barley'
The film has had a great response in Ireland. I was so glad when a nephew of mine came to me last week. He said after he went to see it he spent so much time the next day thinking about it. Now this guy to me was a lost cause, had no interest in Irish history or politics. Now I am glad to say he has seen the light !

I have never been so busy doing talks to local groups and vistors to the my area. The film seems to have sparked off an understanding why the IRA existed. The Irish nation never asked for a fight, the fight came to them. Our country was raped and thankfully our brave men stood up and were counted.

This film more than any other about Ireland in recent times has provoked peoples understanding. Most people could relate to someone in the film. I can understand why it gets up some peoples noses, to many the truth should be hidden, not anymore.

I look forward in years to come to the films that will be made about the war here in recent times. In the mean time I will continue to spread the word about what many like my self lived through.

Film rating 10/10.