The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92854   Message #1793488
Posted By: Paul Burke
26-Jul-06 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: Folkies supporting IRA
Subject: RE: Folkies supporting IRA
One of the greatest acts of barbarian vandalism in Irish history was committed when the Free State Army and the Diehards between them blew up the Four Courts in Dublin, along with over 1000 years of manuscripts in the Records Office. Along with the burning of many local records in the insurgency, it has meant that genealogical research largely reaches a full stop if your ancestry is Irish.

But as to the original comment, I've not heard a good old rebel song in ages. Even, or perhaps especially, in Irish circles. So here's one, not implying any support for terrorism or colonialism and with full sympathy for the human beings injured or killed in the incident:

As I roved out by Newry Town
A band of men I saw,
It was the First Battalion of
The men from South Armagh.

Ch: With me diddy-i-oh, fol-a-doh, diddy-i-o-i-ay (whatever that means)

"Oh have you crossed the border,
And have you travelled far?
Did you see the English soldiers?
Were they in their armoured car?"


"Yes I have crossed the border,
And I have come that far,
I saw fifteen English soldiers,
They were in two armoured cars."


And soon we saw the armoured cars
and they were coming fast.
A young man pulled a lever
And there was a mighty blast.


We opened up along the ditch
With everything we had,
And when the firing finished
We knew we had them bad.


Now the fighters in this gallant band
They numbered barely ten,
They were neither man nor devil,
Sure they came from Crossmaglen.
