The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93306   Message #1793547
Posted By: Saro
26-Jul-06 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: Harmony workshops - Sidmouth
Subject: Harmony workshops - Sidmouth and Whitby
In the light of earlier threads about how to sing harmony, some people might like to come to Craig Morgan Robson's harmony workshops at Sidmouth (Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 11.30 - 1 in the Manor Pavilion). We'll be looking at arranging harmony to add interest and enhance the meaning of a song (Sun), improvising harmonies (Mon), and how to create a good blend of voices when you are singing together (Tuesday).   At Whitby we'll have a whole week of workshops so a chance to learn some existing arrangments, and talk about "how to do it" with CMR and some guest harmonisers. This year Ed Rennie and Jackie Oates are coming to join us on one session, and Notts Alliance on another. Personally, I'm wary of anyone who says there is one right way of learning or singing harmony, and that is not what we set out to do but at least these sessions will give lots of chance to learn and sing harmony with some like minded people.
Oh, I forgot, we are doing a workshop at Broadstairs as well, plus an hour and a half just on rounds!
If you come to any of these, come and say hello!