The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93203   Message #1793774
Posted By: 282RA
26-Jul-06 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Holy Stoogaic Wisdom
Subject: RE: BS: The Holy Stoogaic Wisdom
>>Perhaps you would like to try a bit of original thought instead of using everyone elses?<<

Heh-heh! Jealous.

>>That aside you can find me any Monday here I am one of the mentioned residents, Dave Polshaw.<<

And we all know about Dave Polshaw.

>>On Thursdays you will find me teaching Tai Chi at a local community centre followed by the Open Mic night at St Lukes church hall in Salford.<<

But that's in some Limey part of the world and no one cares about that part. That's why your PM had to attach himself like a leech to George Bush in order to vicariously experience what it's like to lose an empire. At least we have one to lose.

As far as music goes, we Yanks do and always have kicked your sorry asses. Everything you got, you stole from us. Although you did take in our exiled rocknrollers--you deserve that much. But by that time, they had already crested. That's why Lennon moved here and even ol John Baldry moved to Canada.

>>Every October, as you will see on our web page, we run a weekend festival.<<

Capital! Smashing! Pip-pip-cheerio and all that good shit, eh what?

>>Every February we have a hiking/drinking/singing weekend.<<

People in our country do that too. They populate alleys all across every major American city. Occasionally, I'll slip one a buck.

>>Odd days in between you can find me at any number of music sessions or folk clubs in the area.<<

Methinks you have nothing but odd days, mate.

>>Please tell us what your qualifications are to advise people to visit more folk clubs. Either that or crawl back under whatever stone you came from. I don't realy care which:-)<<

Ah. I think you're replying to someone else. I never encouraged anyone to visit more folk clubs since I don't visit them myself. I'm not a folkie, mate. Wouldn't know anything about it. I go for 50s music--jump blues, rockabilly, doowop. I also like ragtime and early jass. Don't know of any folk artists. Well, Dylan, I've heard of him.

If you don't believe me, you can do a search in this forum for past threads on such people as Kid Ory, Gene Vincent, Scott Joplin, and the bawdy song (specifically Lucille Bogan's "Shave 'Em Dry"). I wrote and posted those years ago as AR282 and then I was gone a long, long time and when I came back I couldn't even remember my password so now I'm 282RA. That's the music I'm into, son, so if you're trying to out-folk me, you're wasting your time since I have little interest in anything commonly called folk.

Nice of you to care, though. Bye now.