The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93133   Message #1793834
Posted By: Greg B
26-Jul-06 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: Religious Correctness gone mad?
Subject: RE: Religious Correctness gone mad?
A critical point that hasn't been made here is that these
were primary students. They may not be entirely equipped
to rationalize the meaning of Lennon's poetry, which is
really after all about tolerance and peace but on the
surface seems to be about eliminating property and
institutions (rather than changing the way we behave
around same).

A silly choice of performance pieces; even sillier was
that they didn't figure it out before it had been rehearsed.
The banning of it only calls attention to it, and since it
was end-of-term it will probably go without proper discussion
in the classroom setting.

I think I would have referred them to the Taize ecumenical
community songs for something more appropriate. Which would, in
the process, show off the youngsters' abilities in Latin.