The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93203   Message #1793923
Posted By: 282RA
26-Jul-06 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Holy Stoogaic Wisdom
Subject: RE: BS: The Holy Stoogaic Wisdom
When I said follow your own advice, it was in relation to developing your social skills. And perahps you can develop a sense of humor as well. There's something wrong with people who don't have one and you don't have one. You're still mad because I kicked your ass in that thread about the nonhistoricity of Jesus. that's where all your antagonism started and if you think you're fooling anyone about that, you're--as usual--sadly mistaken.

As for using my real name online, nobody in their right mind should ever do that unless you're already famous. You are obviously unglued and without even the slightest bit of anything resembling a sense of humor. I have no idea who you are and I am not about to find out you live in my area and discover I am being stalked. Nice try but, no, you will not get my real name. Not now. Not ever.

But, as I said, look up those threads and learn how much more you don't know. Instead of being jealous of people who do their homework, try doing some yourself and then you might actually know what you're talking about enough to hold your own in an argument. Until then, you is owned, baby!