The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92618   Message #1793984
Posted By: GUEST,sammy
26-Jul-06 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
You wilfully fail to see the elephant in the living room!!
While you bleat on about the 1967 borders Israel continues to invade,destroy ,terrorise and humiliate.

The Zionists you support are a bunch of racist mass murderers who are currently slaughtering women and children,the elderly and toddlers.

They are flattening apartment blocks and destroying convoys of civilian vehicles full of children and the elderly.

The zionist killers are like the mafiosi [except the mafia did not murder so many ]. A couple of soldiers get captured on the border and Israel attempts to exterminate a whole country. Hundreds of kids in the way..Blow 'em up! Ambulance medics at work..Destroy'em!...UN observers ...Exterminate!

Although it is too busy slaughtering to draw breath something is going very wrong for the mighty Israeli army......the Hezbollah fighters are proving to be a match .

The Israelis have shown themselves to be punchdrunk on power; mad for blood; hungry for revenge; oafs with big bombs;pyschopathic killers of children.

The Israeli military is like the murderous thug pounding his victim into submission but this time it ain't gonna happen!