The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93166   Message #1794156
Posted By: number 6
26-Jul-06 - 09:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
Subject: RE: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
"the kidnapping of two soldiers (and that's just an excuse for what they wanted to do anyway)."

LH ... did ya ever maybe think the Hezbellah (in conjunction with Iran) contrived this to goat the Israeli's in to a total war ... just another idea from the other side of the picture.

"14,000 missiles are an excellent idea when one is fighting someone with total air superiority and armed dominance on land and at sea."

LH .. yup, a lota missiles loaded with ball bearings for maximun destruction ... ever wonder why Israel built up such a strong IDF (Israel Defence Force). A strong IDF, a good idea when you are completly surrounded by people who want to destroy you

Maybe Israel is rapidly trying to push back the Hezbollah forces knowing that the Hezbellah is currently moving rockets with a farther range that can reach Tel Aviv ... remember were these rockets are coming from .... remember the mandate of Iran and the Hezbellah in regards to Israel.
