The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93166   Message #1794185
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Jul-06 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
Subject: RE: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
A ceasefire sounds like about the best idea I've heard so far.

I don't know whether the USA and Israel are trying to kill civilians or not, but they certainly are killing them, and they're killing more a lot more civilians than Hamas or Hezbollah have.

Modern war does kill civilians. It's been that way ever since the Fascists bombed Guernica...basically ever since the airplane (and its successor, the missile) became capable of bombing cities. The first really effective mass killings of civilians by bombing in fact were, I believe, accomplished by the British and Italians in their colonial wars in Iran and Africa, respectively. Those occurred not long after the First World War.

The nature of modern weapons ensures that many civilians will die, usually many more civilians than armed soldiers. Whether or not Israel wants to kill Lebanese civilians, they will, using the methods they're using.

Yes, Hamas and Hezbollah want to kill Israeli civilians. I know that, and I don't approve of it. Their capacity to do so, however, is quite limited. Israel and America's capacity to ruin an entire nation has been amply demonstrated in recent times in Lebanon and Iraq, and that kills a lot more civilians in the end than the "terrorists" do.

So who is worse? Or who is better? I don't know. I do know who is more lethal. That's been proven a thousand times over by now.