The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93166   Message #1794203
Posted By: Dave (the ancient mariner)
26-Jul-06 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
Subject: RE: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
I felt the same way about both sides; but what changed my mind is seeing children indoctrinated into commiting murder and suicide. I have a great deal of sympathy for displaced people, and would like nothing more than to see a lasting peace between Israel and the Arabic nations. I am glad to see some Muslims are supporting the peace process, and renouncing the practise of brainwashing children into violence. The fact remains that the majority are not, and the violence gets worse no matter what Israel does.

The media reports are distorted and sensationalise the violence. Making statements that Israel is deliberately targeting civilians is false. Many civilians caught in this war, especially children are being used as shields by terrorists. Those terrorists are fighting without wearing uniforms, and so when killed, the removal of their weapons prior to being photographed is a tactic deliberately used to distort the truth. If you store weapons and explosives under and in civilian houses those houses and civilians are no longer considered non combatants.

Sadly the violence continues and innocent lives are lost and munitions go astray from both sides. There is no easy solution, no fair solution, only the desire to stop killing each other and build on a lasting peace will solve this war. I am not an optimist and fear that there can never be situation where peace can prevail between all the nations of the middle east. I hope I am wrong, I pray I am wrong, but experience tells me the extremists will not be content until war consumes us all. This will be my last post for some time, goodbye.