The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93272   Message #1794216
Posted By: Bert
26-Jul-06 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum (threads combined)
Subject: RE: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum (threads combined)

We cross posted. The idea was that in the Fee thread people would post something relevant to Fee. E.G. "Charge for a service"

In the Fie thread someone might post something relevant to Fie such as "Shame on you"

In the Fo Thread it might be "Enemy Mine"

And Fum might come out as something like thumb or inch.

And a very poor attempt a verse could end up something like...

I get a charge out of you
but shame on you for what you do
You're my enemy and it's a cinch
that your dick is no longer than an inch

(I know Amos could have done much better had he be given a chance.)

Then people would start posting messages that they could use in their next verse.

But everyone here is so damned touchy. Lighten up a bit luv.


Have you written any good songs lately? Mine seem to be a load of junk.

Let's get back to music and stop squabbling.

