The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93166   Message #1794239
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Jul-06 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
Subject: RE: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
Of course I accept Israel's right to exist, bobad. Why would you possibly imagine I don't?

That is one of the truly annoying things about Israel's faithful supporters. They seem imagine that if someone disapproves of an Israeli attack or expansion of the lands it's holding...then that someone MUST, by definition, be a person who wants to see all Israelis (and Jews?) wiped out and the nation of Israel wiped off the map!

What presumption! Wouldn't it be convenient if everyone who disagreed with you was a genocidal monster?

Sorry. I fully support Israel's right to exist.