The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92618   Message #1794416
Posted By: Ron Davies
27-Jul-06 - 07:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Believe it or not, there is a middle ground to this. Those who complain about "Zionist language" are just as far off base as those who talk about how the Israelis are saving Lebanon by attacking it.

The campaign by Israel was in response to real and worsening attacks on its borders. Israel has a right to defend those borders. But this was the wrong response. I have read it was dictated by internal Israeli politics. Specifically, Olmert, as a leader with no military experience, had to prove he was no paper tiger, especially for his future plans.

What he did, however, has played right into the hands of Hezbollah, a murderous group which does wish the destruction of Israel.

As I said before, the only way out is a strong multinational force, including some Moslem troops (Indonesian perhaps?) stationed on the border. It may be too late to set this up--Israel's actions have alienated too many possible participants.

If Israel had declared a no-go zone for Hezbollah on the border, warned inhabitants of those villages, and enforced this, I could support that.

Most reasonable people in the world, however, cannot support the current campaign by Israel, however, which has included attacking the Lebanese army--which then Israel supposedly hoped would patrol the border--and destroying virtually all bridges, I understand. As well as attacking Beirut. No excuse for that. Israel cannot use this means to keep Hezbollah from being re-supplied. The price for Lebanon is too high.
And all the civilians killed have given Hezbollah a wonderful propaganda windfall. Not
smart on Israel's part--as well as being a terrible human tragedy.

At bottom, as Wolfgang's article noted, this disaster can be laid at Bush's door. Not only did he completely withdraw from the peacemaking process, giving Israel the green light for whatever aggression Israel felt necessary. But also the Iraq war, by giving Hezbollah the argument that the US (and Israel, its proxy) have a plan for the Mideast--first Iraq, then Syria, then Hezbollah--"And we must resist"--gave Hezbollah the opportunity to, completely legally, become part of the Lebanese government. (Its own charitable work also played a role).

By becoming part--in fact an absolutely essential part, from the standpoint of coalition politics--Hezbollah gained the political cover to be even more aggressive towards Israel than previously.

Hezbollah has admitted they did not believe the Israeli reaction would be this massive. But the result has been a huge gain for Hezbollah--and a disaster for Lebanon---- and Israel. Hezbollah, Syria and Iran have gained--and nobody else.

So let's start by granting that Israel has a right to defend its borders--but must stop attacking Lebanon in general.