The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93185   Message #1794512
Posted By: GUEST,Buck
27-Jul-06 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Evacuationgate
Subject: RE: BS: Evacuationgate
There is a reason why Louisiana is the first in everything bad and the last in everything good; APATHY. As a Black man, I am sick and tired of how the Democrat party has literally brainwashed Blacks into voting for them in every election, whether it's local, state, or federal. I'm sick of the way they 'race-bait'. Because everytime you bring in the racial element, the thinking process stops. I agree, if a white man said "Let's make New Orleans a 'vanilla city' the Jesse Jacksons, Al Sharptons, and the NAACPs would cry racism. There is an unspoken truth when it comes to Louisiana politics and who really runs the show behind the scenes. We Louisianians call it the 'GOOD OL' BOY NETWORK'. It is the prominent families in Louisiana who own the politicians (both parties, and both black and white)I just see the world as it appears, beyond the white and the black (no pun intended). I'm just sick and tired of this race 'thang' always being shoved in our faces. This is what the powers that be (ESTABLISHMENT) thrives on. Anything that can divide: race, economic status, sex, religion, political affiliation, blue state, red state, etc. And we as a society get caught up in these phony debates while the real criminals go unnoticed.