The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93203   Message #1795234
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
28-Jul-06 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Holy Stoogaic Wisdom
Subject: RE: BS: The Holy Stoogaic Wisdom
Sorry for the delay, 282. Tai Chi and open mic on a Thursday remeber:-)

Firstly thanks for spotting your mistake and having the courage to apologise for it. As to me getting off this thread. I have no objection to that. As I said I think it was a poor bit of comedy anyway but I should not have said it was shite. It was your work and I had no right to criticise it in such a negative fasion. I apologise. I did try to apply constructive criticism later by adding that you were getting better and with practice it could be very good but I don't think you were in the mood to spot that.

OK? Lets address a couple of issues I have before I do leave though. You say you did not address the thread to me. But in response to Erics post you say Notice how it's always dumb fucking Limeys who can't read anything over 5 sentences. And they wonder why they've taken Canada's place as America's bitch these days. Well, I am sure you realise there are a lot of us 'Limeys' on the Mudcat. You will notice that I did not post at all until you made that remark. If you want to take a swing at us, fine. But you must expect that at least one or two will swing back. When I do take a swing back you then say it is 'weird stuff'? How so?

You say if I don't like the thread or you, get off it. Who says I don't like the thread or you? I enjoy debate for the sake of it. I will argue both sides, and often do, as a mental excercise. This thread has been great:-) And you? Well, when you are in a reasoning mood your arguments are both logical and well put. I may disagree but I enjoy them all the same. That person I do like. There does seem to be another side that I am not sure of but I can live with that. I am not sure what side will respond to this but hopefuly it will be the former.

If you are in one of your calmer stages there is one other thing you can do for me. Can you explain what you mean by 'my weird behaviour'. Please give me examples and what you think weird about them. Perhaps it is just a difference in language? If you don't want to do it on the thread, fine. PM me. I will respond to either. But don't expect me to just leave the thread because you do not like the things I say.
