The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93272   Message #1795430
Posted By: The Shambles
28-Jul-06 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum (threads combined)
Subject: RE: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum (threads combined)
The point being missed is that the Chief of the Mudcat Editing Team has publicly expressed (in the following editting comment) that he does not like Song Challenge threads and would wish to interfere and issue ultimatums in the way he feel he is entitled to do with any thread subject that is not to his tastes and move then ALL to the BS section.

Quite why any individual considers that our forum must now be ordered to their personal requiirements rather than impartially reflecting all tastes - and why they should expect to be supported in this - is not clear.

Subject: RE: Song Challenge: Camilla and Charlie were lovers
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 23 Feb 05 - 02:51 AM

Can whoever placed the prefix 'Song Challenge' before the title that I chose for this thread please remove this prefix?

This thread is not a 'Song Challenge' and as far as I am aware the choice of using a prefix (or not) still remains an option for the poster. If anyone else wishes to change this - perhaps rather than simply impose this change - the origination could be asked for their opinion first?

Thank you.

Well, hello, Shambles- I added the explanatory tag to the thread title. If I had my druthers, all the song challenge threads would be on the bottom half of the Forum Menu - but they haven't been, so they'll stay up top. If I remove the "Song Challenge" tag, the thread will go to the bottom half of the Forum because the title makes it look like it's a BS thread. That's your choice - keep the tag, or have it removed and have the thread on the bottom half of the Forum Menu.
The Forum Menu is an index of the threads, and should give an idea of the contents of the threads.
If you want to turn this thread into yet another complaint about the way the Mudcat volunteers do their work, then it will end up in the "BS" section.
You can let me know your choice by personal message. I don't see that adding a thread title tag is anything to get upset about.

-Joe Offer-