The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93272   Message #1796258
Posted By: The Shambles
29-Jul-06 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum (threads combined)
Subject: RE: Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum (threads combined)
If Gargoyle refreshes a dozen Shatner threads, and Bert starts five "feefifofum" threads and an "intentionally blank" thread, and Guest starts half a dozen online gambling threads, and Shambles keeps a dozen complaint threads going, and the politicoes flood each other with 700-message copy-paste propaganda threads, who's going to bother to come to Mudcat for folk music?

Perhaps those who post on the musuc-related section and are still blissfully unaware of all of your concerns and the restriction you impose to deal with them. And many more tolerant posters than you.

As you do not now share the tastes of your fellow posters - perhaps it is you who should find or start another forum - rather that feel you have some right to impose your tastes upon others....