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Thread #92618   Message #1796677
Posted By: Richard Bridge
30-Jul-06 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Peace, what has Palestinian Authority practice (and within a few minutes of rummaging I did not find your quote from the plainly campaigning website to which you linked, so I have not been able even to begin trying to verify what you say about the glorification of terrorism, nor to check the timeline) got to do with the current Israeli attacks not on Hamas, not on Hezbollah alone, but on the whole of the Lebanon?

Incidentally, I heard a Jewish caller yesterday on BBC radio 4 (well, he said his name was Chaim and he claimed to be Jewish) denying that the humanitarian corridor existed, and what I have seen on the BBC seems to show terrified civilians without food or clean water unable to leave Southern Lebanon. Before anyone starts on the BBC I regard it as historically the best source of factually accurate TV and radio reportage in the World.

An Isreali attack on Hezbollah might be justified. Laying waste to the whole of southern Lebanon, and depopulating it and terrorising the civilians who remain cannot be legitimate.

But however to deal with the remarks about the Janjaweed (if that's the best way to spell it), they and most of the African militias in the Sudan are criminals, possibly genocidal criminals, and the peacekeeping force there ought to get tough with them. The peacekeeping force ought not of course to get tough with non-combatants.