The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65102   Message #1796719
Posted By: Rusty Dobro
30-Jul-06 - 05:51 AM
Thread Name: Is it really Folk?
Subject: RE: Is it really Folk?
Back to RT: remember him?

I just introduced a friend to RT's music via eight tracks which would,IMHO, belong on any 'Best Of...' album, and realised that because I date back to watching Fairport at the early Hyde Park free concerts, I have them mentally pigeon-holed as 'folk'. Any new listener, though, would surely only list 'Beeswing' that way - the rest are an elusive 'something else' which is closer to rock than folk.

Anyway, who cares? Listen to him - if you like it listen some more. If not, not.