The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93375   Message #1797070
Posted By: greg stephens
30-Jul-06 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Butterfly watching challenge
Subject: RE: BS: Butterfly watching challenge
Stoke, England.
An excellent year, all the usual suspects(Tortoiseshells,Red Admirals, Peacocks). Plus loads of painted Ladies. And most unusually, just before the others all appeared, a very large number indeed of Commas. these were unusual here five years ago, but have incresed hugely and this year easily outnumbered red Admirals and Tortoiseshells. peacocks have been the commonest on the buddleia, though overall in the garden this year the Speckled Woods have been the most generally common, over the whole summer. They arent interested in the buddleias, for some reason. A few Blues, not a lot this year. A few years back we had a Whiteletter Hairstreak in the garden, only spotted that the once. Out in the country, of course, there are loads of other ones, which we saw at the weekend.