The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93390   Message #1797679
Posted By: jeffp
31-Jul-06 - 10:16 AM
Thread Name: Real Ale v Lager
Subject: RE: Real Ale v Lager
Real ale is actually pumped by a "beer engine," which looks on the outside like a simple tap, but is actually a hand pump. Cask conditioning does not develop enough pressure to push beer up from a cellar.

Lagers and ales are created by different yeasts, ale yeast forms a cake on the top of the fermenting wort, while lager yeast forms its cake on the bottom. Ale is fermented at 65-72 degrees fahrenheit, while lager is slowly cooled to around 50 degrees after fermentation begins. It develops fewer esters at that temperature, keeping the flavor "cleaner," in some peoples' opinions.

There is also a third variety - California Common or "Steam" beer. This is exemplified by Anchor Steam Beer. It is produced with a lager yeast fermented at warmer temperatures.

My preference is for ales. They just feel better in my mouth.

BTW, there is just as much "Everybody know that ..." bullshit in brewing as there is in folk music.

Good thing is that both are great fun to discuss while drinking the one and listening to the other.
