The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93203   Message #1797729
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
31-Jul-06 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Holy Stoogaic Wisdom
Subject: RE: BS: The Holy Stoogaic Wisdom
OK - So judging from the lack of response I would guess 282 has lost interest. Shame realy - Some interesting insights into the 'stooges' and their origins. Could have been re-clessified to go upstairs as folklore if that was developed a bit more.

However, seeing as there has been some very obvious trolling by 282, as in

I was amusing myself watching you go ballistic at the most childish insults I could muster up. The more childish they were, the worse you reacted. That's the price you pay for having no sense of humor.


I never encouraged anyone to visit more folk clubs since I don't visit them myself. I'm not a folkie, mate. Wouldn't know anything about it. I go for 50s music--jump blues, rockabilly, doowop. I also like ragtime and early jass. Don't know of any folk artists.

This guy isn't realy Martin Gibson is he? ;-)

In addition there are such remarks as -

Notice how it's always dumb fucking Limeys who can't read anything over 5 sentences. And they wonder why they've taken Canada's place as America's bitch these days. No offense meant there.

At least Monty Python had a sense of humor which is more than can be said for most of you ignorant limeys. Maybe if you spoke English like real men instead prissy little gay boys you wouldn't feel so inferior. No offense.

But American humor still achieved something you nation of ale-swilling prissy-talking cross-dressers could never hope to achieve even if your empire hadn't crumbled into dust because we kicked your ass in the 18th century

Well, you're British, what else needs be said.

But that's in some Limey part of the world and no one cares about that part. That's why your PM had to attach himself like a leech to George Bush in order to vicariously experience what it's like to lose an empire. At least we have one to lose.

While I'm doing that, why don't you grow up, you biscuit-eating tea-sucking pale imitator of American superiority?

If being British bothers that much, change countries. Until, fuck off, you limey jug-eared, no-chinned stomach-eater.

Surely this level of invective can be seen as nothing but racism which is not allowed on this site is it? Isn't it about time this thread was considered for closure by the editing team?
