The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7171   Message #179783
Posted By: Barry Finn
16-Feb-00 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Red Is the Rose
Subject: RE: Red Is The Rose
I believe Tommy M. did put a copyright on this but he didn't write it unless he very very old. This was the first song I ever heard Joe Heaney sing (had to learn it right then) sometime in the 70's I think at a festival in southeern Mass. He had mentioned he had got this from his grandfather when he was very young. Joe might've been some where in his 70's at the time. He also believed this to have orginated in Ireland. It's slightly different from the way Tommy does it, pretty much the same tune but done in Joe's Connamara sean nos style. I know there was an old thread on this somewhere. Barry