The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93386   Message #1798483
Posted By: The Sandman
01-Aug-06 - 03:57 AM
Thread Name: e f d s s examinations
Subject: RE: e f d s s examinations
This book is 50 pages long.on the back of the book it says for further information contact SCTexaminations         comhaltas ceoltori eireann.32 belgrave suare. monkstown. co dublin.
phone3511280 0295 fax35312803759. email; enquiries @ comhaltas. com
       elementary cycle 1
casndidates will be asked to playany two tunes of their own choice[here are a few examples]Maggie in the wood. Rakes of mallow, shoe the donkey,sheebeag, sheemor,The foggy dew. napoleon crossing the alps, and more. divided into sections of marches,dance tunes and airs.
   Aural awareness. candisates will be asked. clap the rhythym of one bar in 4/4 as demonstrated three times by the examiner. differentiatebetween high and low notes[ between the root d and the d1above[not less than a fifth apart] played twice on an Instrument by the examiner. differentatebetween loud and soft notes, and long and short notesplayed twice on an instrument by the examiner.
   informal musical discussion.
candidates should be ableto talk brieflywith their examinerabout their interest in traditional music, including how and where they learn and how much time they spend at it[ a clever child could bullshit this].Itcould be beneficial tohave someknowledgeof other traditional instruments.
candidates, shouls be able to recognise where d and d1 are on their instrumentsfrom written examples.
Thats it there is elementary cycle 1 2 and 3. junior cycle with five levels .senior cycles with four levels. suggested melodies for all levels, and useful listening material and discography. and a list of advised topics for written submission.Unfortunately the way the melodies are chosen does not allow for different difficulties in different instruments.but i still think its been carefully structured . if you want further detail contact above as I am going to play some music . I dont suppose i,ll get a thankyou from anglo, or an apology, as i say I DONT know who he / she is
