The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91818   Message #1800551
Posted By: Divis Sweeney
03-Aug-06 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sorry, yet another NI thread
Subject: RE: BS: Sorry, yet another NI thread
Dear Joe
One thing we can't do is dismiss Ian Paisley. He is the leader of the largest political party in the North of Ireland. Spoke to a friend last week who attended the talks with the D.U.P. and he said he was a lot more reasonable than he comes across on television.

Yes we can say he is this and that and a bigot, but he is very charismatic and does a great job for the people he represents. He belongs to a very different culture from myself, but I still respect him, only a fool wouldn't. I don't respect his views of nationalists/republicans or some of the groups he was involved in or some of the statements he made.

When someone can weld so much power and authority they need to be careful how they influennce the young. I feel during the early years of the troubles, he made a poor job of this. Actually he is hated more among the loyalist UFF,UDA and Red Hand Commando, he speaks out again their leadership a lot, yet never refuses their support at rallies. He was also the voice who ripped through the Ulster Unionists for their involvement with David Ervine an ex UVF bomber.

I would call him a Ulster Scot who hates catholicism and has a fear of anyone talking to British ministers wishing to break the union with Britain. I also think as he gets older and steps down a new younger breed will be much easier to talk to. He falls out with everyone, fell out with the church and started his own church, fell out with the Orange Order and started his own lodge. Fell out with the Unionist party and formed his own party ! And has a great following in all of them. A fool can't get that much support.

Sorry John I can't speak on behalf of Sinn Fein, I can only express a viewpoint. I do know there is no love lost between them and the Hibs.
What you linked there could well be true. I know many older republicans hold a great dislike for the Hibs, I think it comes from their leadership speaking out against the armed struggle on more than one ocassion. There was a group called the Hibernian Rifles which fought in the rising of 1916. They were funded by America. They formed in 1914 and numbered in hundreds. Eight died in the rising, few of them actually turned up when the fighting started. They never want associated with them today. There was a leadership connection.

Best wishes and hope this helps.