The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93166   Message #1800646
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Aug-06 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
Subject: RE: BS: Why can't Arab nations unite ?
"Tosser" is a word beloved of angry UK-ers...but they fail to realize how completely silly and without impact it sounds when it falls on North American ears.

"Oh, my God! He called me a...a tosser...(sob!)..." ;-)

Teribus always used to call me a tosser when he would get totally upset with me about something. It would puzzle me when he did that. I wasn't sure what he meant. Now if he had called me a "diddlyboob"...or a "terwilliger"...THEN I would have known how to react! Yessiree. I would have sent the attack hamsters out to render dire retribution on him.

* sigh * The recurrent problems of local idioms obscuring good communication between people who can't stand each other. It's tragic.

Well, I still think Israel's out of line, as you might expect...not that their opponents aren't out of line also...but I'm not going to waste my time today telling you what you already know full well.

Just carry on without me. ;-)