The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93370   Message #1801005
Posted By: Lady Hillary
03-Aug-06 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Flower of Lebanon (mg)
OK, Q, everything you say is true. A lot of people are being killed. Are the Israelis supposed to ignore the missiles coming their way because the H's sit in the middle of a bunch of "civilians" and fire at Israeli civilians? What the miscellaneous apologists for the H's ignore is that they were firing missiles into Israel even before they kidnapped the soldiers. The kidnapping was just the casus bellum. [Read that as last straw.] Every one of the radical groups has sworn that they will drive the Israelis into the sea--any who survive their tender ministrations. The publicity has been relatively onesided but, as reasonably intelligent people we should be able to look past the publicity to the causes.