The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93370   Message #1801038
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
03-Aug-06 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Flower of Lebanon (mg)
FIrst---my apology.   I was thinking of another song called The Island.   That was written in 1985.   Sorry for misunderstanding the original posting---my fault.

Now to Q---Lebanon is not Palestine. Surely you realize that fact. If not please do get your facts and geography straight.

   I am not going to get into a history lesson here or a long diatribe but just a few facts---and the thought that would it not be wonderful if people all had some humanity and feelings for one another:

1) Comes down to power politics from the major players. U S being the major one and having caused an upheaval in the area with the misguided and inane invasion of Iraq---another artificialy created nation by the UK many moons ago. Even Churchill wrote (read this week's Time Magazine) ---".. a losing situation that will cause us bloodshed for no purpose. (paraphrase).

2)Israel's being in Lebanon came about because of the Hezbollah incursions--and they are a state within a state---taking advantage of the Gaza problems and being a proxy for Iran/Syria.

3) If the U S were attacked how would we react? As you know we went to Afghanistan---and under pretexts and lies to Iraq--prbably a type and they meant Iran---just a joke there.

Let us face it---songs won;t bring peace. People bring peace and partiality and not looking at the history and the big picture ---such as Q --prevent that.

Bill H