The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92618   Message #1801845
Posted By: Richard Bridge
04-Aug-06 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
Subject: RE: BS: Gaza Strip 28/9 June 2006
I am sick of morons.

Go and read Gross's CV. It makes it entirely clear who he is likely to be supporting. I was right. Have the honesty to admit it.

If Hezbollah has committed warcrimes it does not justify warcrimes AGAINST THE LEBANON. What part of that is too hard for you to understand? In fact it would not justify war crimes against Hezbollah but that is more subtle.

The Israel warnings are not a sufficent defence. The old, the injured, the very young, those buried in cellars under collapsed buildings - they cannot flee. The very roads they need to use to flee have been destoyed byIsraeli attacks. And why should the innocent flee?

Look, try a simple example. A fugitive kidnaps me. He uses me as a human shield. He holds me in front of him. A policeman tries to shoot him and shoots (and kills) me in stead. That is murder (in English law) for the policeman must essentially and objectively have considered the risk of killing me or doing grievous bodliy harm to me and at best then disregarded it.

Have you got it yet?

Juicy Brucie, have you learned to count yet?