The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93539   Message #1801863
Posted By: Georgiansilver
04-Aug-06 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: our dreadful education level
Subject: RE: our dreadful education level
I attended one of thowse schools wher one is tawt to speak correctly and I am certain that it took me from a lower working class family(I had won a scholarship) to a middle class profession. My academic ability served me well but I also had early training at my junior school in the mathematical tables...which were learned by heart by the whole class over relatively few lessons. We were also taught the basics of the English Language and given a huge amount of vocabulary to learn.......we were 'advantaged' in Junior school by the curriculum used in those days. NOWADAYS....a child cannot cope without a calculator....a computer.....whatever mod cons are available to their school...but when they leave school and try to get a job...they don't all have the help of the machines they were taught to use........and some cannot work it out for themselves using brain power and common sense...Sad EH?
Best wishes, Mike.