The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93584   Message #1802793
Posted By: The Sandman
06-Aug-06 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: st georges day a public holiday
Subject: RE: st georges day a public holiday
I believe you are wrong , if the irish can celebrate, st patricks day, why an earth cant the english celebrate st georges day, its perfectly logical. I believe a celebration of William Shakespeare born on that day and one of englands finest playwrights and poets,Would be very apt. plus a celebration of things quintessentially english, morris dancing and sword dancing.The extreme right wing should not be allowed to hijack your english flag[ I live in Ireland]you should not confuse being proud of english culture with xenophobia ,and racism ., being proud of english culture is not the same as bieng anti foreigner. in fact if you would read my post properly, I suggested that other natonalities    that celebrate st georges day should be included.
   I suggest you learn some manners ,get yourself a brain,learn to read, get a grip, and come out from your shroud of anonymity and probably get a life yourself.