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Thread #93592   Message #1803038
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
06-Aug-06 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: An interesting viewpoint on Lebanon
Subject: RE: BS: An interesting viewpoint on Lebanon
Glad I looked at this most one sided article. Interesting as well are the credentials of the author.

Let me, not so humbly, suggest a perusal of the NY Times magazine of 8/6/06 and the article---a most fair minded one---Henri Levy (French)that looks at all sides---and also who was attacked in the first place.

He also makes a very interesting point---the people appointed to high government posts (Defense, etc;) after the pullout from Gaza were "Doves" (Peacenicks--as he calls them). Now they are faced with doing what they have tried to avoid. Diplomacy would be nice but there are those, as we all know from public statements, that want Israel obliterated. Read --the "fascists" in Iran and their cronies.

No sense repeating what I posted on another thread but leaving Gaza and hoping for some constructive actions from the Palestinians (who Hezbollah, by the way, cares not a whit about) proved unfruitful to say the least.

I suggest a reading of the article because I think you will see both points of view---and the tragedy that Hezbollah is bringing on all sides.

A last thought--if you read the NY Times piece. I was struck by the similarity of their actions (Hezbollah) with the Lebanese people and the actions of Mayor Daley (the elder) who gave charity in return for votes to the citizens of Chicago. Hezbollah gives charity to their constituents and then uses their neighborhoods to launch rockets---sort of like the robber holding a hostage as a shield.

Bill Hahn