The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93584   Message #1803258
Posted By: Scrump
07-Aug-06 - 04:23 AM
Thread Name: st georges day a public holiday
Subject: RE: st georges day a public holiday
I agree with Capt Birdseye (well said Cap'n) that the English should be given a bank holiday to celebrate their national culture and heritage, like the other nations do. But I also agree with Liz the Squeak that St George's Day is too close to Easter and Mayday bank holidays.

Why can't we just give St George an official birthday like the Queen, and declare that as the "English" bank holiday. Actually making it the Monday following the present Queen's official birthday (which is on Saturday) early in June wouldn't be a bad idea. We want it to be in the summer so outdoor events can take place (weather permitting, otherwise in the village hall ;-))

Then we could have lots of 3-day folk events around the country :-)