The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93592   Message #1803323
Posted By: beardedbruce
07-Aug-06 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: An interesting viewpoint on Lebanon
Subject: RE: BS: An interesting viewpoint on Lebanon
"BTW, the long range weapons (unguided rockets) that the Hizbullah are using are as accurate as the WWII V1 & V2 weapons, largely random (basically big dangerous fireworks) [in fact many are just copies of the WWII Russian ones] - light blue touch paper and stand back, and hope it hits something of military value. "

TRUE, making the point that Hezbollah is in violation of international law, and committing war crimes.

"Which only makes the actions of the Israeli military, who can easily visually guide their weapons precisely on to ambulances (right in the centre of the red cross on the roof!) and precisely known UN positions, etc, even more relatively reprehensible"

You have NOT addressed the stated point ( by the UN observer) that the Hezbollah forces are using such as human shields, and thus bear the guilt THEMSLVES for any civilian casualties.