The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93592   Message #1803380
Posted By: number 6
07-Aug-06 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: An interesting viewpoint on Lebanon
Subject: RE: BS: An interesting viewpoint on Lebanon
Foolestroupe ... I was requesting credible facts from you in regards to your statement .. this current war going on does not in any way relate or have facts backing up your statement.

"Currently (and also for many years) they are working on destroying everybody, (and everything) Muslims, Christians, etc in Lebanon, and Gaza..."

In regards to your post informing us of the Hazbollah rockets you failed to mention that they are packed full of ball bearings for maximun human killing effect ... these rockes are not made to specifications on knocking out a military target.

The 'Chosen People' line and is definately being taken out of context here.

Guest ... if the Hezbollah had the weaponary ... Tel Aviv would look like Tokyo in August of 1945.

BTW ... no one picked up on my mistake in the above thread (07 Aug 06 - 01:20 AM ) ... I meant Nazerath, not Damascus.

sIx (not posting anymore to these current mideast conflict threads, is the bitterness that arises worth it here in the Mudcat)