The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93477   Message #1803530
Posted By: The PA
07-Aug-06 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
Hellooeee, yep raining her this morning, but now its all bright and sunny. Had very busy weekend horsin' around. You've got a busy week by the looks of it, entertainment's a bit thin on the ground in my neck of the woods, 'cept for Bromsgrove FC that is, however this is me last week at work before I head off to Padstow to get under Breezy's feet for a few weeks.

Did you hear about the man who went to the greengrocers and asked for 5lbs of potatoes. The assistant said its kilogrammes now, the man said ok then, 5lb of kilogrammes! Aaaaaggghhhh !!
And did you hear about the man who went into the greengrocers and asked for 5lbs of potatoes. The assistant said will you take King Edwards, the man said, no he can take his own. Boom Boom!