The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93592   Message #1803564
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Aug-06 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: An interesting viewpoint on Lebanon
Subject: RE: BS: An interesting viewpoint on Lebanon
Lively discussion, isn't it?

Flattop makes an interesting comment about the changes in military hardware.

Guys, I think both the Iranians AND the Israelis (and Hezbollah and Hamas and the Saudis and the Bush administration)...all have fallen into the same egocentric error. They think God is on their side, and they think (either secretly or openly) that they are God's chosen people.

Such thoughts lead to nothing good for anyone.

I would be happy to talk to first, a rabbi, second, an imam...then compare notes and see who is less prejudiced than the other...but that would depend on which rabbi or imam I talked to, obviously. I'm sure they're not all identical.