The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38640   Message #1805052
Posted By: GUEST,The Vulgar Boatman
09-Aug-06 - 03:33 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req/Add: Swim, Sam! Swim! (Weston/Lee)
Subject: RE: ADD: Swim Sam (Weston & Lee)
Flash - "I've only come down for the day" was recorded by Dave and Al Sealey (Cosmotheka)back in the 70's - I think it was on an album called "Wines and Spirits". I do perform it occasionally, and, as you say, it's about as politically incorrect as it gets. The curious thing is, it generally causes much amusement and little offence...unless, of course, you are sensitive about your speech impediment, wooden leg or lunacy.
Chris N