The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93669   Message #1805446
Posted By: GUEST
09-Aug-06 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: One DINO Down, 2,000 more to go...
Subject: RE: BS: One DINO Down, 2,000 more to go...
Yes, Don. The message seems to be, if you don't start listening to us, we will elect a different Harvard educated, multi-millionaire media mogul to do the same damn thing Joe did. Except maybe vote even MORE often with the big business wing of the Republican party.

I think "the voters" who ousted Joe are upset with Joe's support of the war and his hypocrisy about Bill Clinton (ie condemning him with faint praise when he needs the votes, after disparaging him for his immoral behavior w/Lewinsky), and his conservatism on social issues (like the Terry Schiavo debacle I mentioned).

But when it comes to conservative economic policies, they are ALL, liberal and conservative, Democratic and Republican, sleeping with the same whores in the same bed. The ones that maintain the middle class status quo.

Middle class blacks, Latinos, union members, etc. are ALL voting like the conservative, middle class Reaganites that they are.