The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93691   Message #1805732
Posted By: GUEST
09-Aug-06 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Old World Pronounciation: 'Keinton' ??
Subject: Origins: Old World Pronounciation: 'Keinton' ??
From "Clean Contrary Way", a verse says

At Keinton, Brainford, Plymouth, York, and divers Places more,
What Victories we Saints obtain, the like nere seen before.
How often we Prince Rupert kill'd, and bravely wonne the day,
The wicked Cavaliers did run the clean contrary way.

How do you pronounce "Keinton" ? AY or ee?

Also I guess "Brainford" is like 'brain' in your head?