The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93669   Message #1805734
Posted By: robomatic
09-Aug-06 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: One DINO Down, 2,000 more to go...
Subject: RE: BS: One DINO Down, 2,000 more to go...
It is a shame that the Democratic party has lost its gonads and chosen to be an opposition party rather than a proponent of anything. I would love to keep the ones with guts and character like Lieberman and lose the gutter trash like Sharpton, rebuild the party around some principles and consistency. Right now it is a mess and morass.

Reminds me of the line in "Trainspotting" where one Scotsman (Democrat) puts down the English (Republicans) as a bunch of wankers. His friend replies, "that makes us worse, we've been colonized by wankers!"

Or, situation normal, as Will Rogers said "I don't belong to an organized political party, I'm a Democrat!"