The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93666 Message #1805901
Posted By: GUEST,Mike Miller
10-Aug-06 - 12:27 AM
Thread Name: Shy people at Getaway
Subject: RE: Shy people at Getaway
We have had similar situations at the PFS Spring Thing (The idea for which, I copped from the Getaway almost thirty years ago). Long time campers like to stay with their friends. Many use the event as a yearly reunion. Newcomers can, often, feel left out. When I ran the event, we scheduled activities designed for inclusion. We had a jugband contest and the teams were open to everyone. The participants found stuff to pound on or blow through or pluck at and the teams were judged on the basis of whoever I felt like giving the prize to. The first year, I picked the team with the fewest members because I didn't have a lot of prizes to hand out. The following years, I chose whichever team hadn't won yet. OK, so everyone understood that the judging was fixed but it was a great way for newcomers to meet and interact with others. By the way, when is Getaway this year? I promise myself, every year, that I will get there but I am usually booked that weekend.