The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93477   Message #1805997
Posted By: The PA
10-Aug-06 - 04:48 AM
Thread Name: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
Alright then Ross, and all those smart people out there. Can anyone tell me the origins of the expression 'OK' or is it 'O-Kay'? If its O.K. what does 'OK' stand for?
Is this something glaringly obvious, am I completely stupid, or was I just not paying attention that day in school? I have no idea why this had suddenly come into my head, I heard someone on the news last night say it and just thought, what does that mean. My husband and son already think I'm completely barking for even wanting to know. Help!