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Thread #93477   Message #1806035
Posted By: Ross
10-Aug-06 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
Just a wild guess - hope it helps

Okay is a term of approval or assent, often written as OK, O.K., ok, okay, okee, or more informally as simply kay, k or kk. When used to describe the quality of a thing, it denotes acceptability. However, its usage can also be strongly approving; as with most slang, its usage is determined by context.

The word "okay" is currently the single-most-used word on Earth, owing to its common employment in a vast number of cultures and languages.[citation needed]

There are several theories about the origins of this word, some of them apocryphal and none of them conclusive, although the suggested origin as an initialism of oll korrect has relatively widespread support. Whatever its origin, the word spread around the world, the "okay" spelling of it first appearing in British writing in the 1860s. Spelled out in full in the 20th century, 'okay' has come to be in everyday use among English speakers, and borrowed by non-English speakers. Occasionally a humorous form okee dokee (or okey dokey) is used, as well as A-ok. Good old Ned Flanders is a good link