The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93477   Message #1806281
Posted By: The PA
10-Aug-06 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
Subject: RE: Bull, Barton, Beds - August 06 things
Well after due consideration it has to be Wuthering Heights. Anything to do with cake is an odds on winner with me. That was a 10 pointer,
five points to the grass in the tree thingy and 2.5points, cos I like things to be even, to ol korrect cos i cant spel iver.

Off to Padstow tomorrow to poke Breezy's knees, sorry should have read poke fun at Breezys knees, any messages, insults, demands for money I should pass on ? He's obviously not busy or fallen in the harbour cos he's textin me !!!
I'm carrying all my luggage in clear plastic bags so it is visable on the M5.

Bye all for a few weeks, I'd send fudge but I don't know where you are!