The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93709   Message #1806329
Posted By: GUEST,Bruce Baillie
10-Aug-06 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: what phrases do you hate?
Subject: what phrases do you hate?
What common phrases sayings or words do you hate then? here are a few of that are always guaranteed to get right up my fucking nose!
People who use expressions like 'Nice one!' 'No sweat!' 'Give me a bell!' 'Chill out!' '24/7!' ...these cause me mild irritation...
'No problem!' or 'Not a problem!' (this usually comes from someone in a shop when you've just bought a large item such as a new fridge and you ask them to deliver it on a Thursday!) as soon as the words have left there mouth you know there is definately going to be a problem, you'll wait in all day for a deliveryman who never comes and then they ring at 5pm and ask if it's OK if they deliver it the day after because there's 'been a bit of a mix up with the order!'
'Big Style!' and 'Big Time!' as in 'We fell out BIG TIME last night!'
The ones generally levelled at recalcitrant children such as 'Yer doin' my 'ead in!' and 'You are SO grounded!' And then there is the staple vocabulary of Chavland such as 'Right?' 'Innit?' 'Jernoworramean?' 'Babe!' 'Sorted and 'Gutted!' or as they are pronounce here in Yorkshire with the glottal stop in between, 'Sor'ed!' and 'Gu'ed!' Then there are the corporate gems like 'Think outside the box!' and others. I also hate the expression 'Gobsmacked!'...and please don't ever call me 'MATE!'
...Chiao Babes!