The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93700   Message #1806579
Posted By: SINSULL
10-Aug-06 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: London Bombs
Subject: RE: BS: London Bombs
I rarely agree with Guest282RA but I believe this time he is right. Screw with our food supply and create nationwide chaos. Supermarket shelves empty in a matter of hours when a hurricane or major storm is predicted. After the 911 attacks, there was no milk or bread to be had in my neighborhood for two days.

Imagine even the scare of poisoned food?
Anyone remember Israel oranges injected with poison or cranberries coated in poisonous insecticide?

I look to the food supply for the next attack. The constant TV Public Service messages suggesting that I "pick up a few extra cans of food to stock up in case of emergency" make me think that the Powers That Be expect the same.

Meantime, as on September 12, 2001, it is safer to fly now than it was two days ago.
