The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93592   Message #1806896
Posted By: number 6
10-Aug-06 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: An interesting viewpoint on Lebanon
Subject: RE: BS: An interesting viewpoint on Lebanon
This jeep incident .... never seen this pic ... but regardless, maybe it did happen, and yes maybe there were other incident's ... they do happen in times of war ... by Canadians, Australians, Brits, and whatever ... the most recent autrocity being the rape, and murder by a few American troops in Iraq .... do we condemn all Americans as barbarians for this? This 'jeep' incident you mention ... are all Israelis/Jews to be condemned? We condenm the members of the Nazi party and their paramilitary divison th SS for the autrocities, not Germans. BTW, inaccurate statement mentioning how the Israelis force's, warnings are followed immediately bombing. There is evidence that the Hizbullah does position it's rocket launchers in crowded civilian areas, and yes there is much mountainous countryside available they can use instead.
