The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93785   Message #1809041
Posted By: Peace
13-Aug-06 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel European?
Subject: RE: BS: Israel European?
"But if the linkage between sports and politics has declined since the 1970s, it has intensified in the international arena as the country's Arab neighbors sought to isolate the Jewish state from 1973 onwards. Ironically, this tactic backfired. For while Israel was expelled from all Asian sports' federations, it was eventually accepted into the European sports' bodies, enabling the country to compete in many of the world's most prestigious competitions such as the European Athletics Championships, the European Swimming Championships, the UEFA football cups, the European Basketball cups and all other major European tournaments."

There. Next time, Gerry, do your own research. And one question for you: Why shouldn't Israelis be allowed to participate in European sports? Does it bother you that much? Trust me, the religion don't rub off.