The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91818   Message #1809829
Posted By: GUEST,Nick
14-Aug-06 - 05:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sorry, yet another NI thread
Subject: RE: BS: Sorry, yet another NI thread

sure. What FAIR and like-minded organistaions don't seem to appreciate is that you can disagree with someone's politics without getting nasty and personal. I know that it can be quite difficult in the North not to end up getting personal, after all the people who are arguing on FAIR's guestbook have been very close to the tragic events that went on in the North for over the last 25 years (and before that). If I am not mistaken, Willie Frazer lost a few family / relatives during the Troubles and of course that can make someone bitter and vengeful, especially if these things happen when you're a child and that's your whole reality, your whole view of life. But the same could be said of numerous republican families in South Armagh so, as a relative of victims himself, Willie should have a better grasp of what relatives of republican victims feel. While Willie has lots to say about republicans being still involved in criminality and hate-mongering (though the PIRA was given the all-clear in this regard recently by the South's Minister McDowell, a guy with never a kind word for them at all and who would be the first to condemn them if he thought otherwise) but essentially his website is about continuing the war by other means. If it provides him with a safety valve for his feelings, maybe that's better than him picking up a Sterling sub-machine gun etc., but the worry is that it might incite others to do so.
My feeling is that voices like Willie's will become less relevant as the years go by and people in the North work out a way to move ahead to a better life. Personally I don't really bother with Willie's site anymore, just keep an eye on it the odd time and save some of the posts in case I decide to write an article on it at any stage and need them for reference.